LRC wet outlook for end of September

The LRC has been an amazing tool to use when it comes to long term forecasting.  5 months ago, the LRC predicted a warm and dry start to September but turning wet from the 21st onward.  Here’s a snapshot of what the LRC was predicting:

Sept. precip outlook


The graph reads between 400 to 800% of normal for the 24th through the 28th.  That’s some amazing totals!!!  Now, let’s look at one of our medium range models to see rainfall totals though the end of the  month:

Rainfall totals


Now, although some of these totals may be a bit on the high side, you get the idea.  Looks like a break in harvest for a bit as wet weather moves in.   The new LRC cycle will start around Oct. 6th.  That will start to give us an idea what the upcoming winter and following spring will hold in store for the N. Plains.   Stay tuned:

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