LRC, solar maximum and winter all related?

The NEW LRC cycle has started and it has started out with temps above normal!!  What does that mean?  Well, for starters, it means that the start of EACH cycle throughout the winter/spring/summer will be above normal in regards to temps.

Now, we are at a solar maximum heading into 2025.  This is the reason for all the northern lights displays!!

Courtesy: Spaceweather
Courtesy: Spaceweather

Now here is what the pattern looks like for the START of the NEW LRC cycle

Start of new LRC cycle Courtesy: Pivotal weather


We will look for THIS pattern to “cycle” back around in a month or so…..when it does, BINGO, the LRC cycle will be set and we will be able to accurately predict what the upcoming winter/spring/summer will bring.   Now, the LRC is the CENTER piece to the atmospheric puzzle:

LRC puzzle  Courtesy: weather 2020

There are OTHER factors to consider which include La Nina and SOLAR MAXIMUM!!!  Did you know that during solar maximum, more solar radiation can enhance hurricane strength??  Solar maximum can also encourage/enhance La Nina, which typically gives our area a colder than normal winter but not ALWAYS.  Could this year be one of those “off” years?  It’s possible but we first have to figure out what the NEW LRC cycle holds.   SOLAR MAXIMUM often leads to less snowy winters too… if you go strictly by Solar Maximum and La Nina, it would be a colder than normal winter with less snow….BUT….the LRC has not unfolded yet.  Once the LRC unfolds towards Thanksgiving, we will have a better handle on the upcoming winter….stay tuned!!!

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