Be Heat Aware

It Seems like basic knowledge but dont leave your pet, kid, or someone in a car. It’s crucial to be aware of the dangers of high temps, especially during the upcoming hot weekend and the next several days. Also, be aware that walking barefoot whether an adult, kid, or pet can lead to the burning of the feet or paws due to the ground being so hot.

Did you know that after 10 minutes on a 90°F day, the interior of your vehicle can reach 109°F? And after 30 minutes it can reach 124°F and an hour, around 133°F.

Did you know that on a 90°F day, concrete can reach a temperature near 125°F, while asphalt can reach nearly 140°F. That means if you are walking your dog on the sidewalk, you are exposing them to very, very hot temperatures, which could be dangerous to their non-protected paws.

Justin Storm

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