WAG: Weather and Ag In Focus on AM 970 and FM 93.1 WDAY

Weather & Ag In Focus

About This Show
Join Meteorologists Dean Wysocki along with Ag Director Bridgette Readel, for an in-depth look at weather and agriculture.


Today’s guest is David Boehm from the Northern Crops Institute! Be sure to like and follow us on our Weather And…
Be sure to like and follow us on our Weather And Ag In Focus Facebook page. You can watch WAG on Acres TV and YouTube. You can listen…
You can always join our conversation and ask questions by calling in at 701-293-9000 or email our team at…
You can always join our conversation and ask questions by calling in at 701-293-9000 or email our team at…
Today’s guest is ND Ag Commissioner Doug Goehring! You can always join our conversation and ask questions by calling in…
Today’s guests are Jane Hunt from Nourish the Future and Zack Bateson from the National agricultural Genotyping Center! You can…
Today’s guest is Mike Burkhart from the Travis Burkhart Foundation! You can always join our conversation and ask questions by…
Today’s guest is Brad Heins from the University of MN! You can always join our conversation and ask questions by…
Today’s guests are Jason Hanson and Larry Lunder! You can always join our conversation and ask questions by calling in…
You can always join our conversation and ask questions by calling in at 701-293-9000 or email our team at…