Gas prices in eastern North Dakota and Western Minnesota are below the national average

(Cass County, ND) — The average eastern North Dakotan is paying 20 cents less for gas compared to the national average of $3.08.

As reported by AAA, the average price for a gallon of gas is $2.81 in Cass County, $2.75 in Traill, $2.79 in Barnes, and even lower in several eastern counties like Richland, Grand Forks and Pembina. More about North Dakota gas prices can be found by clicking here

Gas prices in Western Minnesota are also lower than the national average. Clay, Norman OtterTail, Becker, and Clearwater Counties are paying paying below $2.90, Wilkin residents are paying an average of $2.79, and several central Minnesota counties are paying an average of $2.75 a gallon or less. More about Minnesota gas prices can be found by clicking here.

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