White Earth moves ahead with plan for ‘tribal gaming’ on recently bought land near Moorhead

CLAY COUNTY, Minn. – Clay County Administrator Steve Larson says White Earth Nation government officials are asking the County Commission to sign a letter of support to place more than 280 acres of land the tribe bought near Moorhead in a trust for tribal gaming and other purposes.

Larson tells Flag Family Media the request was placed last week.

To build a casino on land outside the reservation, the land would need to be put in a trust approved by the U.S. Department of Interior, which is overseen by former North Dakota Governor Doug Burgum. Without it, the tribe would have to pay for property taxes on the land.

“A White Earth tribal gaming facility on the Subject Property would be an economic and social benefit to the City of Moorhead and the other surrounding communities,” writes the tribe in a letter obtained by Flag Family Media.

After speaking with White Earth Nation Chairman Michael Fairbanks, Larson says he requested representatives from the tribe attend a Clay County Commission meeting so members could understand the tribe’s vision for the project and the impact of placing the land into a trust before the commission takes action on the letter of support.

As of Tuesday, Larson says he has not heard back from White Earth officials about a possible meeting date.

Larson says White Earth Nation has not applied for a gaming license with Clay County. The Minnesota Department of Public Safety’s Alcohol and Gambling Enforcement Division says the tribe has not applied for another state license.

“Our understanding is that casino gaming permits come from both the state and federal government. This is one example of why we have extended an invitation for them to present to the Commission, so they have a better understanding of the process,” Larson explained.

White Earth officials told our news partners at Valley News Live earlier this month “any speculation regarding specific projects, including gaming facilities, is premature” concerning the land purchase.

Flag Family News has reached out to the tribe for comment.

Click here to read the letter of support drafted by White Earth Nation officials.

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