(BISMARCK, ND) — An unusual situation happened in the North Dakota Senate.
House Concurrent Resolution 3013, which would have urged the U.S. Supreme Court to restore the definition of marriage to a union between a man and a woman.
Senator Diane Larson, a Republican from Bismarck, requested a verification vote.
“We ask that each Senator, based the information they already have and already know, that they vote the way they think is best,” Larson said. “And, Madam President, I request a verification vote.”
Then, Senator Joshua Boschee, a Democrat from Fargo, after an emotional floor speech, requested a recorded roll call vote.
“At the risk of losing the trust of any people I respect in this chamber, I ask for a recorded roll call vote,” he said. His request was denied due to the lack of support from the Senate floor.
Senator Sean Cleary, a Republican from Bismarck, expressed his disappointment in the lack of a recorded vote.
“I’m disappointed that there won’t be a recorded roll call vote on it,” he said. “Because I think we owe that to our constituents when we come to this chamber on issues of public importance.”
The measure failed by a recorded vote of 31-16.