Increased homeless population doesn’t necessarily add crime, FPD Captain says

(FARGO) – The City of Fargo has seen an increase in its homeless population. Statistics shared at a Fargo City Commission meeting earlier this week said as many as 40 people are homeless each night in the City of Fargo.

Fargo Police Captain Bill Ahlfeldt said the thought that homeless people are the cause for an increase in crime across the city isn’t necessarily accurate.

“In some cases, it’s very hard to tell,” he said. “When you look at the numbers downtown, they (homeless population) are contributing just as much as anybody else coming down is contributing.”

Ahlfeldt said there are many reasons people come downtown – whether it’s to work, have fun or attend different functions.

Several citizens have expressed not feeling safe in downtown Fargo. Ahlfeldt said that shouldn’t be a feeling people should have.

“Citizens do not have a reason to not feel safe in downtown Fargo,” he said. “Our crime numbers are showing that. Are there people experiencing mental health episodes and issues? Yes. Is there homelessness? Yes. Have I ever felt unsafe downtown going out with my family during normal business or evening time hours? No, I have not.”

But, Ahlfeldt said, people ‘have to be aware,’ saying Fargo 20 years ago was a large town, and Fargo today is a small city.

“And with population comes growth in all types of things, including crime in some cases,” he said.

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