FMWF Chamber wants bill bringing back ND blue law struck down

FARGO, N.D. – The Fargo-Moorhead-West Fargo Chamber urges the North Dakota Legislature to not pass a bill that would bring back the state’s Sunday blue law.

The House bill introduced by five members, including Republican State Rep. Jorin Johnson of Fargo, would close businesses from midnight to noon on Sundays with some exceptions. Business owners whose religion has sabbath on a different day, like Judaism, would be closed on their sabbath rather than Sunday.

The bill will be heard at 8:30 Wednesday morning in the House Industry, Business and Labor Committee. The Legislature struck the blue law down in 2019.

“These types of mandates on the business community reduce a business’s ability to operate seven days a week to meet the unique needs of their customers and employees – creating unnecessary barriers for businesses and consumers alike,” The Chamber said in a press release.

The Chamber asks North Dakotans to sign a coalition letter and contact those on the House Industry, Business and Labor Committee encouraging them to oppose the blue law bill or testify against the bill during the hearing.

Click here to read the bill.

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