At full capacity every night, New Life Center seeks donations to help men succeed

FARGO, N.D. – Fargo’s New Life Center is looking for donations on Giving Hearts Day because the homeless shelter for men is at its 150 bed capacity year-round.

People staying at the shelter often are struggling with substance abuse, mental health issues, unemployment and the loss of a home.

“Our job is to come alongside folks who are in that situation and help them get back on their feet and give them hope. To bring some hope for tomorrow,” Executive Director Rob Swiers explained.

Swiers says New Life Center used to see fewer people staying during the summer, but that’s no longer the case. The organization offers a short-term emergency shelter for up to 90 days and a recovery program for a little over one year.

New Life Center has aimed to offer a pathway to sobriety, faith, employment and stable housing since 1907.

Click here to donate to New Life Center.

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