(Fargo, ND) – Voters that took to the polls Tuesday had a variety of reasons for how they voted for the FARGODOME special election that would have raised sales taxes and lodging taxes in the city. As a result, the measure failed to reach the 60 percent threshold needed to pass the measure.
“The deciding factor was that I had a conversation with some local business people that basically said that we’re not keeping up with other cities around the state,” one voter said. “We’re starting to lose business.”
Another voter said the community would benefit from expansion of the FARGODOME and the addition of a convention center.
Some were not in favor of the vote.
“I think they asked for too much,” a voter said.
Another voter said the 60 percent threshold was going to be a challenge.
“That’s going to be hard,” the voter said. “Some of these standalone elections are tough, so that’ll be the hard part.”
Nearly 8,000 people voted in the special election.