Define the Fight: The fight for a better life

Are you ready to learn more about hormones, health and knock out some REAL talk today? Tune in to Define the Fight where I will be joined by Dr. Nicole Lovat, MD, PhD from Firefly Medical Group PLLC. Dr. Lovat has an unbelievable wealth of knowledge and expertise in the following:

*BS in both Biochemistry & Physics (first double honors)

*MD and PhD in Pharmacology & Therapeutics specializing in Insulin Resistance, Metabolic Syndrome, Female Hormones & Pregnancy.

*Recruited to practice medicine and be an instructor for Mayo Clinic, Max Rady College of Medicine as well as the University of Washington’s School of


Are you ready to learn more about hormones, health and knock out some REAL talk today? Tune in to Define the Fight where I will be joined by Dr. Nicole Lovat, MD, PhD from Firefly Medical Group PLLC. Dr. Lovat has an unbelievable wealth of knowledge and expertise in the following:

*BS in both Biochemistry & Physics (first double honors)

*MD and PhD in Pharmacology & Therapeutics specializing in Insulin Resistance, Metabolic Syndrome, Female Hormones & Pregnancy.

*Recruited to practice medicine and be an instructor for Mayo Clinic, Max Rady College of Medicine as well as the University of Washington's School of Medicine

These are just a few of her remarkable accomplishments. This is a show you do NOT want to miss! It's time to rewrite the script...prescribe less, educate more!

You can tune in to WDAY 970 AM at 11am CST every Monday morning to catch Define the Fight live!


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