North Dakota Health and Human Services responds to audit results

(BISMARCK) — The North Dakota Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) recently underwent an audit by the North Dakota Auditor’s Office.

Over the past year, HHS practices and procedures have been implemented to address the findings identified at that time.

HHS, in partnership with Human Service Zones, has begun monitoring the current data for compliance with child protective services policies. A redesign of the child welfare case management system has been launched, which will include a review of resources and policies geared toward achieving visitation compliance.

Additionally, HHS is working with providers to recover funds identified as inaccurately distributed as part of its workforce retention grants for in-home and community-based workers. At the time of the audit, the program was ongoing, and a post-implementation evaluation had not yet been completed. HHS is currently completing the final program review.

The North Dakota State Hospital has implemented a performance improvement plan to address the deficiencies found in the audit and is currently 99% in compliance. In addition, HHS is obtaining technology-enabled dispensing cabinets to enhance medication room security and oversight of controlled substances. The audit did not identify any diversion of controlled substances, which were all accounted for in the audit. Full implementation is expected by the end of the year.

“We thank the Office of the State Auditor for completing a comprehensive audit,” Commissioner Wayne Salter said. “We are committed to using this valuable feedback to ensure we continue to be responsible stewards of our resources and to advance our commitment to excellence in agency infrastructure and operations.”

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