Clipper System Bringing Wintery Impacts to The Valley & Area

A quick-moving clipper system will bring a quick burst of snow and strong winds the last throughout tonight. Through this afternoon (10-30-23) A clipper system is bringing snow across the valley. Wind this afternoon is from the southwest between 10-20 mph with a few stronger gusts. Bands of snow and some snow squalls are forming producing areas of moderate snow reducing visibility in spots down to a half mile. Winds will really ramp up through this evening from the northwest between 20-40 mph along with scattered snow and snow squalls. Expect slippery roads out there, some blowing snow, and areas of drastically reduced visibility, as well as rapidly deteriorating conditions when squalls and bands of snow push through. Less the an inch of accumulation is expected from this clipper for most in the valley.
Snow will wind down overnight but winds remain.

Justin Storm

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